Monday, February 21, 2011


I don’t know if people realize how quickly time passes… I feel like it was just yesterday that I bought my first car… or graduated high school.  It was just “the other day” that I saw my sister… and it was just “yesterday” that I graduated college. 

Time is such a delicate thing.  Something that people take for granted with trivial things.  I try to take a moment every day to enjoy one thing.  Even if its just a few kisses from my dog Tyler. 

I made a promise to myself recently, to work on my health and my weight.  So far so good.  This past week I ate better, worked out and even had a little more energy then I usually do!  But I’m putting it in writing… I promise to take care of myself.  To make sure that my mental and physical status both get to a better place.

To everyone in my life that loves me or I love… please have a little patience while I take care of myself.  I love you all and I’ll be around more eventually.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Never Forget

There are things in a person's life that you never forget.  You never forget that first toy that you fell in love with as a kid... when it was placed in your fingers and you hugged it for the first time.  That feeling you got...

You never forget that first time you fell in love.  You see the other person's eyes and think to yourself how you would just do anything for that person, for the rest of your life.  Even though somewhere down the line the teenage puppy love ends, you still never forget that person and how they made you feel.

You never forget the first time you appreciate anything in your life.  The first time you look at your siblings and realize your appreciation for them.  For me, I was 11 years old.  Sitting on the floor outside my sister's bedroom watching her put make up on slowly.  She was humming a song that was playing on the radio... and I sat there and just loved to watch her. 

I will never forget the first time I drove... the adrenalin that you get from being nervous and happy all at once.  The first time I flew a plane, having the power in my fingers to turn a plane and fly... looking out onto the horizon and seeing beautiful trees. 

When someone leaves you... whether its just someone walking away from your life or passing into the next life, you tend to forget little things... like how they smell, or how they feel when they hug you.  How soft their hair was... the sound of their laugh.  You desperately try to remember all of that, and hold onto it as long as you can.  Your never the same... as people walk in and out of your life, your just never the same. 

I will never quite understand how this process works... but like the day you got your first toy that you loved more then anything in the world as a kid, you hold onto that memory, and thats what keeps those people around forever.  Sometimes you dont have a choice but to let someone go... but they will always live in your heart and your soul.  On days where you find a little patch of quiet... the days where the sun is out, and its a nice day that your appreciating, you remember those people and they come alive in the warmth once again.

Always remember that somewhere I am out there... and I will always remember and keep everyone alive.


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Fighting is never easy...

I recently learned that a friend of mine is fighting Breast Cancer... and she has a long battle ahead of her. She's a wonderful person, and she needs all the love, help and support she can get. If anyone wants to read her story, they can go here:

Allison Estabrook

If anyone cares to donate to her friends who are going to walk in her honor and raise money to help her through this, please feel free to go here:

Walk for Allison

My thoughts and prayers go out to her... as well as my support. There are too many people who loose the fight for cancer, even if they fight as hard as they can to win. I just know that Allison is going to win this one... and when she does, I'll be first in line to smile and be thankful.

Thank you for any support you can throw her way...


Monday, July 20, 2009

Moved and News

Sorry I haven't written in a bit... Not sure who even keeps reading this anymore. Maybe I'm just talking to myself on here? I guess that's ok too.

Well as of May 16th, 2009 I reside in Durham, NC. Its really nice down here and I am enjoying it a lot. I got offered a great job down here and I decided to get out of dodge and take a chance. There's a lot to learn for this position but I have an awesome boss who treats me like gold. I couldn't have asked for a better situation.

July is here again... which of course reminds me of Cindy getting diagnosed. I still can't believe that was five years ago. It also freaks me out a little when I think that I am now technically OLDER then her... Every day that passes is a day she didn't see... of this age.

Also... if there is anyone who is reading this, say a prayer for my friend Allison who was just diagnosed with Breast Cancer. May she have the strength to defeat this quickly, may her family and friends be her strength and may her spirits stay lifted. Your loved hun... your road may be long but theres a lot of people willing to help walk it WITH and FOR you.
